Welcome to ICSSS 2025

We are pleased to announce that the International Conference on System Safety and Security (ICSSS 2025) will be held in Hangzhou, China during December 12-14, 2025. It is sponsored by Hangzhou Dianzi University, China, hosted by School of Cyberspace, Hangzhou Dianzi University, China, assisted by Sino-France Joint Laboratory for Digital Media Forensics of Zhejiang Province.

The International Conference on System Security and Safety is an academic platform focused on the field of system security, aiming to bring together researchers and professionals from academia, industry, and government agencies to exchange the latest research findings and technological advancements. With the rapid development of information technology and the increasing threats to cybersecurity, the importance of system security has become more prominent than ever. The conference covers topics such as cyber attacks and defense, data protection, cloud security, and Internet of Things (IoT) security, fostering interdisciplinary collaboration and promoting the integration of academia and industry. It provides attendees with an opportunity to gain in-depth understanding of current hot issues and future trends.

系统安全与安全性国际会议(ICSSS 2025)将于 2025年12月12-14日在中国杭州举行。该会议由杭州电子科技大学主办,杭州电子科技大学网络空间安全学院承办 ,浙江-法国数字媒体取证联合实验室协办。


                      Sponsored by:


                      Hosted by:


                      Assisted by:    

   Important Dates

Submission Deadline: July 5, 2025
Notification Deadline: August 5, 2025
Registration Deadline: August 20, 2025

Conference Proceedings

Accepted papers of ICSSS 2025 (after proper registration and presentation) will be collected in the conference proceedings.

Call for Papers
More Topics

Papers in the main technical program must describe high-quality, original research. Topics of interest include all aspects of artificial intelligence and software engineering including, but not limited to

Track 1: Content Generation and Tampering Content Detection
Track 2: Traceability and Provenance Analysis of Synthetic Content
Track 3: Security of Large Language Models
Track 4: Data Privacy Protection
Track 5: AI-Driven Cybersecurity
Track 6: Automated Adversarial Testing and Validation

Track 7: Security of AI-Enabled IoT Systems

Track 8: Biometric Security and AI
Track 9: Ethical AI and Regulatory Compliance
Track 10: Emerging Trends in AI Security
Track 11: Explainable and Transparent AI
Track 12: Adversarial Robustness in AI Systems
Track 13: Public Engagement and AI Literacy

Hangzhou, China

(abbreviated to Hang, also called Lin’an, Qiantang and Wulin in ancient times) is located in the middle part of southeast China, near Shanghai. It is the capital of Zhejiang Province. With a strong economic foundation and a population of over 8.8 million people, Hangzhou is one of the most prosperous cities in China. It is selected for five years as “The Happiest City in China” in the annual national survey promoted by the Xinhua News Agency. It is also regarded one of the most livable cities in China.

West Lake (Xi Hu)

Considered one of the most beautiful sights in Hangzhou, this scenic lake is sheltered on three sides by hills, with open flat land to the northeast where downtown Hangzhou is located.

Lingyin Temple

Built in 326 A.D. at the foot of Lingyin Mountain, this temple features a main hall extending 33.5 meters in height, a statue of Sakyamuni carved out of 24 pieces of camphor wood and a laughing Buddha covered in gold.